Januari 24, 2011


My Chemical Romance adalah salah satu band terbesar sekitar pada saat ini - dicintai dan dibenci di ukuran yang sama, lagu-lagu mereka tentang penyalahgunaan narkoba, kehilangan cinta dan homoseksualitas telah menarik perhatian dunia. They are widely said to be emo… although they've gone on record as to say they hate being called that! Mereka banyak dikatakan emo ... walaupun mereka telah pergi pada catatan sebagai mengatakan mereka membenci yang disebut itu!
My Chemical Romance (or MCR as they're more commonly known) are from New Jersey and are Gerard Way (Vocals), Mikey Way (Bass), Ray Toro (Guitar), Frank Iero (Guitar) and Bob Bryar (Drums). My Chemical Romance (atau MCR karena mereka lebih dikenal) berasal dari New Jersey dan Gerard Way (Vokal), Mikey Way (Bass), Ray Toro (Gitar), Frank Iero (gitar) dan Bob Bryar (Drums). They formed in 2001 after the September 11th attacks in New York as they felt that the event had such a profound effect on them (Skylines and Turnstiles was written about it) Their name came from an Irvine Welsh novel. Mereka terbentuk pada tahun 2001 setelah serangan 11 September di New York karena mereka merasa bahwa peristiwa itu seperti efek mendalam pada mereka (Skylines dan pintu putar ditulis tentang hal ini) Nama mereka berasal dari sebuah novel Irvine Welsh.
They were quickly signed up by Eyeball Records and a year later they released their first album I Brought you my bullets, you brought me your love. Mereka cepat ditandatangani oleh Eyeball Records dan setahun kemudian mereka merilis album pertama mereka, saya Mewujudkan Anda peluru saya, kamu membawa aku cinta Anda.
In 2004, after being signed up by Warner Brothers Records they released Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, the album that helped them hit the big time. Pada tahun 2004, setelah ditandatangani oleh Warner Brothers Records mereka merilis Tiga Cheers untuk Revenge Sweet, album yang membantu mereka memukul waktu besar. They supported Green Day on their American Idiot tour and later headlined the famous Warped Tour with Fall Out Boy. Mereka mendukung Green Day di tur American Idiot mereka dan kemudian berjudul Warped Tour terkenal dengan Fall Out Boy.
In 2006 they released their most recent album – The Black Parade (although at one point it was joked the name of the album would be The Rise and Fall of My Chemical Romance). Pada tahun 2006 mereka merilis album mereka yang paling terbaru - The Black Parade (meskipun pada satu titik itu bercanda nama album akan The Rise and Fall of My Chemical Romance). This album was celebrated by a change of image, which included Gerard's bleached blonde hair and the now famous Drummer Jackets as seen in the Welcome to the Black Parade video. Album ini dirayakan oleh perubahan citra, termasuk rambut pirang dikelantang Gerard dan Drummer kini terkenal Jaket seperti yang terlihat dalam Selamat datang di video Black Parade. The Album was voted the 4th best album of 2006 by Kerrang. Album terpilih sebagai album terbaik ke-4 tahun 2006 oleh Kerrang.
In 2007 the Band went on tour, obtaining the ultimate coup by getting Muse to support them. Pada tahun 2007, Band melanjutkan tur, mendapatkan kudeta akhir dengan mendapatkan Muse untuk mendukung mereka. They also toured with Linkin Park and HIM in Projekt Revolution – in a tour where a controversial snog was shared onstage between Gerard Way and Frank Iero. Mereka juga tur dengan Linkin Park dan HIM di Projekt Revolution - dalam tur dimana ciuman kontroversial dibagi atas panggung antara Gerard Way dan Frank Iero

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